15.04.2014 Exhibition

Maschinen für Sonderkulturen
An analepses of magneto-electric prime movers
Solo exhibition at the Killgalerie at KunstWerk Fellbach
Opening: May 21, 2014, 7.30 p.m.
Welcome: Ulrich Wegenast
Introduction: Hans Ivona
Exhibition: May 21. – 07.06.2014
The Free Art Academy Nürtingen (FKN) is showing selected works by the artist Fabian Kühfuß from the years 2009-2014 at the Kill Gallery in Fellbach. In addition to the video installation Hilarious Dialogue with ALICE, which was awarded at the 27th Stuttgart Film Winter, there are various objects and installations that move between analog and digital reality. Through the consciously chosen anachronistically aesthetic we encounter everyday objects converted into kinetic objects: for example, the home trainer Trimmdich, which supplies itself with energy. The kinetic wall installation Knittax v2 was supported in 2013 by a project grant from the Karin Abt-Straubinger Foundation. Using sketches and collages, the exhibition provides further insights into the upcoming works of the artist, who studied at the FKN from 2006-2011.
>> Hans Ivona’s introductory speech
>> The flyer as PDF