22.02.2014 Exhibition

I´m presenting two new works at the 3rd FKX Festival for Media Art and Performance.
Knittax v.2 is a wall mounted kinetic installation which is in developing since more than a year. The automatic system is knitting a white noise fabric which will be unravelled after each exhibition (to be knitted in the next).Knittax v.2 is funded by a project-grant of the Karin Abt-Straubinger Stiftung 2013.
Rollator is a fully autonomous senior drone. A walking frame/walker is driving through the exhibition: assembled with distance sensors it can expire its environment.
The festival will take place from 07. – 09.03.2014 at FKBW and KunstWerk Fellbach. More on https://fkn-kunstakademie.de/ (German).
Knittax v2 was founded by a project-grant of the Karin-Abt Straubing Foundation in 2012/13: