20.01.2014 Exhibition

Hilarious dialog with ALICE – 118 turns won the jury award of the „Expanded Media – Media in Space“ competition at the 27. Stuttgart Filmwinter – Festival for Expanded Media 2014.
Jury Statement:
´Hilarious dialog with ALICE – 118 turns´ by Fabian Kühfuß gives us an insight into the `conversational ‘world of two bots named Alice and Allan.
The two conversational agents, both represented by a clumsy male mouth and voice, try to engage into dialogue, but their attempts seem time and again, unsuccessful.
The project´s minimal set up, two television sets confronting one another with no space in between, is a playful reference to well-known classics of video art, implying how art has been always using but also challenging current media forms and technological systems.
Dialogues with Alice raises questions about the role of the human audience; are we here to just observe, with no control over the bots we have created?
While the limitations of computational systems and the imperfect state of artificial intelligence becomes painfully clear, the work still manages to exhibit this mechanic, dystopian and possible future in a light and humorous way.
Jury Members:
Daphne Dragona, Matthias Fritsch, Rosa Menkman, Laurence Rilly